The most obvious effect after the parasite treatment regimen is that the skin condition is improved, the rash disappears, the skin stops eczema, and neurodermatitis. And, of course, strength is greatly increased, energy, efficiency and mood are also increased.
And it's time to carry out anti-parasitic cleaning now, in the fall, after the end of summer, but before the onset of winter. If there are no obvious symptoms of parasites, cleaning is done once a year in September-October.
If there are diseases that indicate the presence of parasites, the course is carried out 2-3 times a year.
The main symptoms that may indicate the need for an anti-parasitic cleaning:
- what is an allergy, itchiness, a rash on everything or is not clear;
- dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
- flatulence, gastrointestinal disturbances, then diarrhea, then constipation, intestinal cramps, nausea;
- persistent cough, bronchial asthma;
- craving sweets, starchy foods;
- overweight or underweight;
- anemia (low ferritin and B12);
- frequent anxiety, stress, sleep disorders;
- blood tests - eosinophilia, eosinophilic cationic protein, ESR, bilirubin, liver transaminases. Stool analysis is not always indicated;
- Enlarged liver by ultrasound.
Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to diagnose the presence of parasites. In principle, it may not make sense. A large number of microorganisms live in our body, these are not necessarily helminths, there may be protozoa, but they have the same name - parasites. At present, they may not manifest in any way, but under certain conditions various diseases begin to develop and the listed symptoms appear.
So the best thing we can do for our bodies is to take preventive measures.
Anti-parasitic program for adults and children from 9 years old
We take our collection of antiparasitic pills, green walnut juice, oils, phyto candles as the basis of our elaborate scheme. We use white clay and pine extract as additional cleansing agents.
The main action of phytoprepicals is the complex cleansing of the body (intestines, liver, blood), against helminths and their larvae, fungi and pathogens.
Properties of the components present in the complex
Collection of herbs "Antiparasitic"
It is used in complex programs for the treatment of helminthiasis, bacterial and fungal infections. Fights worms and their larvae in intestines, liver and other organs. The composition includes poisonous herbs, intended for adults and children at least 7 years old.
INGREDIENT:flowers of tansy, chrysanthemum, mistletoe, mint, eucalyptus, herb of sage, thyme, agape, centaury, ha thu wu, celandine, wild rosemary, dandelion, money tree root, elecampane, valerian, buckthorn bark.
Properties of the main components:
Tansy flowers.Due to the chemical composition containing alkaloids, bitter taste, essential oils, tannins, it has an antihelminthic effect. In addition, it has a number of additional properties that our body needs in the fight against parasites: choleretic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. Gum and flavonoid compounds help with detoxification. This healing poison effectively repels "uninvited guests", be it worms or germs. It has been studied and recognized by official medicine as highly effective against worms.
Mistletoe.A poisonous plant that parasitizes the trunks of oaks and other trees. Due to the toxicity (containing viscotoxin alkaloids) creates unfavorable conditions for the existence of parasites, especially the widespread use of mistletoe against roundworms (pinworms, roundworms).
Wormwood tree.Contains a unique essential oil with a complex composition, the main ingredients being thujone and chamazulene. Strong bitter taste, not only helminthic, but also the simplest microorganisms acceptable. Along with tansy, wormwood stimulates the secretion of bile, pancreatic and gastric juices, forcing the body to actively purify and disinfect itself.
Musk.Contains thymol (a component of essential oils) which has a detrimental effect on tapeworms and roundworms, especially recommended in combating helminths such as whipworms and hookworms.
King tree.Contains an entire alkaloid complex (about 20! ). They all have different effects on parasites, worms, infectious agents. Especially strongly exhibit the properties of celandine in relation to giardiasis, fungal and viral infections (papillomavirus, causing skin rashes of papillomas, cystic acne, warts).
Ledum.Noisome. Contains a unique essential oil, mainly composed of sesquiterpene alcohol, and is considered a potent bactericidal and even insecticidal agent. I consider the role of wild rosemary as a means against opportunistic microflora. For example, Staphylococcus aureus or other cocci that live next to a person.
The tune.It has a complex healing effect on the intestines, liver, and kidneys to ensure active detoxification of the body and healing of intestinal walls affected by helminths.
CentauryContains bitter glycosides and alkaloids that have a detrimental effect not only on sexually mature helminths, but also on their larvae.
Dandelion.Helps the liver to remove the decomposition products of the parasites. Prevent constipation.
Cactus root, elecampane.Contains essential oils, bitterness and tannins. They expel worms from the liver, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and fight bacterial infections.
Ha Thu O (highland bird).Mild diuretic and laxative effect, supporting the cleansing functions of the body.
Medicinal herbs chrysanthemum, eucalyptus leaves- antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Mint, Valerian- antispasmodic, soothing ingredients. They mask the bitterness of the composition, improve the taste.
Buckthorn bark.It has a very mild but effective laxative effect. Added to the collection as an antagonist to the tannins of some components of the preparation (tansy, elecampane, calamus, mistletoe). The aim is to ensure timely bowel cleansing (bowel cleansing), preventing constipation and intoxication.
Collection of herbs "For cleansing the digestive tract"
It is used both in preparation for the cleansing of Antiparatic and in other situations - in case of poisoning, constipation, after feasts, holidays (buffet), or simply if "already already"ate something wrong. "
The herbs in the collection have mild laxative, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiparasitic and detoxifying effects. The collection has an excellent healing effect on the entire digestive tract, improves liver function, improves the digestion of food.
INGREDIENT:Buckthorn Bark, Cherry Plum Leaves, Mint Leaves, Perilla, Wormwood, Wormwood, Wormwood, Jerusalem Artichoke, Flaxseed, Caraway Seed, Chamomile, Immortelle.
If we compare the composition of this collection and the Antiparasitic collection, then we see the repetition of several herbs (mint, buckthorn, wormwood, chamomile). The composition is much "softer", if necessary, it can be given to children over 5 years old in the form of Parasites. For this purpose, I recommend adding the herb thyme (a quarter) to the collection. Although wormwood has a bitter taste and is known for its powerful deworming properties, it is still allowed for children. Belonging to the collection of wormwood, a very small part, collected does not have a bitter taste like Jiaogulan. Children, if necessary, can be given in short courses of 5-7 days at a tapering dose.
We also found that there are prebiotic herbs in the collection, i. e. herbs that have a positive effect on the state of the intestinal microflora - cherry plum, star tree, Jerusalem artichoke, flax. Chamomile and fennel reduce inflammation and gas formation, wormwood and lemon basil - fight intestinal spasms, eucalyptus improves gallbladder functioning.
The administration process is 1-2 weeks, depending on the purpose of the application.
Green Walnut Water
The main properties of green walnut juice are antiparasitic, fungicidal and antibiotic, which is due to the content of a unique compound in green walnuts - juglone. Currently, juglone is also being studied towards having anti-cancer properties.
Interesting about Juglone
The production of juglone by walnut trees is a protective response to ensure their survival. Many plants (for example, sugar maples, cottons, black cherries, red oaks, and others) produce biochemicals that enhance their ability to survive and reproduce by preventing competition. painting. How!
When one plant adversely affects another through the production and release of chemical compounds, the harmful plant is said to be heterotrophic.
Simply put, it is better not to plant many trees next to Walnut trees - they may die.
In plants, juglone is in the form of hydroxide, but when exposed to air it oxidizes and changes color, which is why during storage, walnut juice (as well as honey mixtures)bees) darkens and becomes dark brown.
In addition, young walnuts contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, H, PP. Trace elements: iron, iodine, boron. , zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine), large amounts of tannins and flavonoids.
We definitely use green walnut juice in anti-parasitic programs.
Dill oil is black
A unique healing oil that can replace dozens of different medicines.
The point is that black cumin oil helps to get rid of the root cause of various ailments. It fights against fungi, worms, protozoa - pathogenic flora are inevitably present in the body of any person and cause many diseases - anemia, dermatitis, cancer . . .
The antiprotozoal and anthelmintic properties of black cumin are associated with a unique combination of several substances in its composition at once, the main of which are:
- Alkaloids (nigellicine, nigellidine, nigellitsine).Leads to the parasite's body to die, causing him to seriously disrupt his metabolism.
- Saponins.They have a depressive effect on candida, a group of coccyx bacteria, the simplest protozoa, and helminths. They also help cleanse the body of toxins that the parasites poison their host.
Alcohol.The triterpene alcohol Taraxerol exhibits marked antitumor activity, in particular, in sarcoma and breast cancer; has antibacterial effect.
- Thymol.Its powerful anthelmintic effect has been scientifically proven. It paralyzes the worms, and as a result, they die. In addition, this substance has antiseptic and regenerative properties, helping the intestinal lining to recover from damage caused by parasites.
- Cineol.An anthelmintic that causes their eggs to dissolve.
- Thuillon.Causes paralysis and severe disturbance of the nervous system of helminths, as a result, they die.
- Tannin.Under their influence, the protective shell of the worm becomes thinner, as a result of which it loses its ability to protect the worm from the action of digestive enzymes. In addition, in some pests, these substances cause a violation of energy production, from which the death of the parasite quickly occurs;
- OilIn general, parasites cannot be tolerated and cause their death due to metabolic disturbances.
Black cumin oil is ideally combined with other herbs and preparations.
Anti-parasitic suppositories
A necessary component of phytotherapeutic programs for parasitic invasions of the intestines, rectum, liver, as well as in complex programs for cleansing the body.
Ingredient:cocoa butter, propolis, black fennel oil, walnut oil, chamomile extract, wormwood, sage, clove essential oil, wormwood, thuja.
Cocoa butteris an ideal ammunition base. It exhibits emollient, nourishing, moisturizing, protective, replenishing and regenerating properties, prevents the spread of infection, and is hypoallergenic. Containing a complex of essential acids and vitamin E, when in contact with the skin, it quickly melts and is absorbed, bringing all the active ingredients deep into the tissue.
OnlyBlack cumin and walnut oilHas a strong antiparasitic effect in the gastrointestinal tract area, liver, as well as other organs and systems, acting through the bloodstream in general.
Propolis- a powerful disinfectant.
Essential oils of clove, wormwood and western thujaadverse effect on some parasitic microorganisms, helminths, used to infect pinworms, roundworms, giardia, opisthorchiasis.
Essential oils and herbal extracts also have activity against streptococci, yeasts, anti-inflammatory and health benefits in the digestive tract and reproductive system.
Phyto candles can be used for children from 2 years old. Herbal suppositories are included in the comprehensive Anti-Parasite program combined with the intake of herbs inside.
So, the following herbs and preparations are included in the antiparasitic phytocomplex for adults and are used according to the scheme:
- Collection of herbs "For cleansing the digestive tract"Drink for 1 week, mix according to the instructions on the package: 1Brew a tablespoon with two cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain. Drink during the day in portions between meals.
- Collection of herbs "Antiparasitic"for 2 weeks (after the end of the first weekly intake). Mix according to the recipe on the package: Adults: Mix 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup (200 ml) of boiling water. For children from 7-14 years old, for every 1 teaspoon of 40 for 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Stress, overload. Drink 1 glass of the infusion for 10-15 days in the morning and in the evening (ie 1 drink in the morning, then 1 in the evening).
- Green Walnut WaterTake 20 drops per 100 ml of water 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for 1 month without interruption against the background of the herbal collections above.
- Pumpkin and Black Seed Oil dưỡng(taken alternately once a week, without interruption for 1 month, ie 2 times each time). Oil dosage: Take 1 dessert spoon (6 ml) of pumpkin oil 3 times a day with meals (mix with food). For adults, take 1 teaspoon (4 ml) of black cumin oil, and half a teaspoon (2 ml) for children 6-12 years old, once daily with meals (mixed with food). The effect of the oil: anti-parasitic, mild laxative, choleretic, hepatoprotective.
- Phyto Candlesovernight rectal placement according to the scheme: put for 10 days, rest for 10 days, then put back in for 10 days.
- White clay and conifer extractsalternately taking 1 week of hospitalization, without interruption during 1 month, ie repeating each remedy 2 times.
White clay solution should be mixed with a ratio of 1 teaspoon of clay filled with a small glass slide per 100 ml (half a glass) of water, drink 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. White clay is an adsorbent, to avoid intoxication we use a clay solution with any cleaning program.
Extracted from coniferous leavesTake 1 teaspoon (4 ml) extract in 1 glass of water 3 times a day between meals. Coniferous extracts are included in this complex to prevent intoxication and strongly strengthen the immune system.
The cleaning course is 1 month.