Unfortunately, the parasite can live and feed not only in a person's internal organs, but also penetrate beneath the skin. This causes a number of diseases that have their own specificities. It is important to promptly diagnose the cause of the unpleasant symptoms and start treatment before the worms cause major damage to the body. Most parasites that live under the skin can only be infected in tropical latitudes: swimming in stagnant ponds, drinking unboiled water, or falling victim to blood-sucking insects. But some individuals are "settled" in their bodies without leaving the house.

Diseases and parasites
Medicine distinguishes a number of diseases, the diagnosis of which indicates subcutaneous worms in humans.
- Large liver fluke disease. Its causative agent is the larvae of the pork tapeworm. Usually they enter the body with water or uncooked food. These worms are localized in the internal organs, eyes, brain, muscles and under the skin (they are observed on the shoulders, palms, chest). Such parasites can live in the person for many years, thickening and swelling forms under the epidermis, thickening with time. Diagnosis is made easier by urticaria, which is often manifested by a rash on the skin.
- Schistosomiasis disease. This disease is caused by helminths that live in the waters of Africa and Asia. Worms affect the genitourinary system and skin. The main symptoms are itching, rash, dermatitis, excessive night sweats, kidney damage, enlarged liver.
- Worm disease. These are thread-like roundworms that live in South America, Asia, and Africa. They are spread by blood-sucking insects. The disease develops for a very long time (up to seven years), but causes several pathologies of the skin: ulcers, eczema, nodules, papules, rashes. If a person does not pay attention to constant headaches, drowsiness, sleep disturbances and general weakness, complications can develop in the form of joint diseases, glaucoma, cataracts.
- Scabies. Scabies half a century ago was quite common. It settles in the deep layers of the epithelium, feeds on carnivores and lays eggs there. The female parasite lives for about two months, but can lay several dozen eggs under the skin. Ticks disrupt passages in the epithelium and this is what causes intense itching. Places of localization - folds on the body, sides of the thighs, mammary glands, armpits, genitals and hair. Human skin is covered with blistering rash, pimples, boils and other complications occur.
- Dirofillaria. These are parasites that can exist not only under the skin, but also affect the eyeball. The females of these worms reach a length of up to 30 cm, and the males - up to 10. The carriers of worms of this species are dogs and cats, and biting them, mosquitoes carry microfilariae larvae to humans. In this case, the development of an adult in the body can take many years. Statistically, most eyeball removals fall under the correct diagnosis of dirofillaria, which follows a total decline in vision, leading to blindness. The mark forms under the skin, itches, turns red, and can be the size of an egg. It is in them that the adult worm lies.
- Dracun tuberculosis (guinea worm). These are roundworms, up to 120 cm in length. More common in tropical climates. In addition to humans, cats and dogs are also affected. You can get them by drinking unboiled water or swimming in contaminated reservoirs. Once inside the body in larval form, the filariasis reaches adulthood after a year of living in humans. Usually, the feet suffer from this disease: they are the ones who are prone to complications such as spasticity, arthritis. In addition, the presence of guinea worms inside a person can cause necrosis and blood poisoning.
- Pinworm disease. The causative agent of worms lives in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. Hookworms are introduced under a person's skin through the smallest lesions in the skin (usually the legs), and they continue to parasitize there. The disease presents with symptoms such as severe itching, sometimes with cough, anemia, signs of damage to internal organs.
- Demodicosis. This is one of the most common dermatological diseases. It occurs due to the penetration of the causative agent of ticks under the skin. This is a non-helminthic disease, but this pest also lives in the layers of the epidermis (in the meibomian ducts and sebaceous glands). Symptoms of parasites: numerous, acne-prone skin on the face, cheeks, forehead and around the eyes, sometimes with loss of eyelashes.

Diagnosis, symptoms and signs
If worms and worms under the skin are suspected, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible, as some individuals live in the human body for several years before becoming "satisfied" with symptoms. Therefore, right from the time of discovery, the parasite has had time to cause harm to health.
Since the clinical picture of worms and other subcutaneous inhabitants is rather vague and many symptoms appear individually, there is often no obvious list of signs. There are several indicators that can indicate subcutaneous parasites: constant itching, skin irritation, seals of various sizes, rash, small blisters on the surface of the epithelium, indirectly - sleep disturbance, tired. To find out the cause of such manifestations and rule out the invasion of helminths, you need to visit a number of specialists, among them:
- dermatologist;
- neurosurgeon;
- allergy;
- infectious disease specialist;
- psychologist (if previous specialists did not find pathology in their records).
Diagnosis takes place in several ways, depending on the symptoms:
- blood test for antigens;
- test the cuticle sample;
- blur;
- take a secret;
- scrape.
It is these indicators that can detect the presence or absence of parasites on human skin.

Traditional pest control methods
Treatment directly depends on the type of worm. In each individual case, an appropriate therapy is selected, taking into account the age and stage of neglect of the problem. Most drugs are quite toxic not only to worms, but also to the human body.
- get rid of dracunculiasis is possible only through surgery;
- scabies parasites are effectively expelled with hydrochloric acid and sulfuric soap;
- with schistosomiasis, an antimony drug will help;
- the body is relieved of detoxification thanks to the line of facial cosmetics (special soaps for washing, creams).
Along with the treatment with folk medicine, the patient needs to tighten the hygiene procedures, carefully monitor the hygiene of the body, facilities, clothes, avoid unnecessary contact with people. In some cases, you will need dietary foods, skin care cosmetics.
Prevention of worms under the skin
With helminthic invasions, you need to be extremely careful, as colonizing the body is quite simple, and it can take years for an accurate diagnosis and cure.
To minimize the risk of getting worms under the skin, doctors recommend remembering the following rules:
- before traveling to countries with a tropical climate, you need vaccinations;
- always observe the rules of hygiene: wash your hands after contact with many people, money, after going to the toilet, before eating;
- women should not use other people's cosmetics because there is a higher risk of bringing parasite larvae (or ticks) to the skin;
- Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly before use, but it is better to blanch in boiling water, meat for a long time has a heat effect, boil for drinking water;
- carefully treat any skin lesions with an antiseptic, especially in the tropics;
- Do not swim in dirty and unclear water.
If the parasites have settled under the skin, this is a reason to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. He will be able to identify the type of worm and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In most cases, the patient is awaiting conservative treatment, which includes anthelmintics and other drugs that relieve the symptoms of the disease in humans.